Saturday, February 21, 2015

Arm Knitted Scarves

We are now on day number 6 of snow and we are getting more creative (and crazy) by the minute. The girls found some yarn that I  had hiding in the closet. We decided since it was so cold today, we would try arm knitting. We used this great tutorial on You Tube:Arm Knitting Tutorial
It explains it better than we ever could. It makes great scarves in less than 30 minutes! 
This is how the girls' scarves turned out: 

Two skeins of yarn- you want to get some that is very soft 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Thumb Print Heart Charms

The girls have loved having numerous snow days in a row, which has provided us with lots of crafting opportunities....otherwise known boredom busters. We started with something simple that later morphed into beading necklaces and kept us occupied for quite some time. Since paint was not involved in most of it, I was able to take pictures of the steps. So this is for all the moms who have crafty kids home with them on snow days!

Sculpty Clay (the kind you can bake to harden)
BBQ skewers
Parchment Paper
Acrylic Paint and brushes
Wire (optional)

Step one: Flatten out a  small section of the clay on parchment paper. Take one of the child's thumbs and press it into the clay. Take the other thumb and match it up to make a thumbprint heart. 

Step 2: Take your BBQ skewer and trace around the thumbprints to make a heart, while trimming away the access clay. (I helped the kids with this part).

Step 3: Pat down the rough edges of the clay and reform if necessary to make a more defined heart shape. Take the non pointed end of the skewer and poke a hole through the heart. 

Step 4: Preheat the oven to 275 and bake the hearts on parchment paper for 15 minutes. 

Step 5: Allow the hearts to cool for 10 minutes and then paint. Acrylic paint worked well on ours. 

Step 6: After the paint dries, string the heart with beads to make a necklace or bracelet. I noticed that the hearts were not quite hanging flat, so I used some wire to fashion a loop through the hole of the heart. It was easier to string and laid flatter. I liked the project so much I had the girls imprint their thumbs into a heart for me. I put their names and the date on the back. It could also be a good grandma or Mother's Day gift too. Hope you give it a try!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Our Family Rocks

I know..another cheesy title... what can I say. So, the girls wanted to go into the woods and find rocks to paint. They came back with about 6 rocks a piece, but I helped them narrow it down to 3 each. So we just got out all the paint, glitter, yarn, pom poms and anything else we could find. I didn't bother to add a materials list since anything goes!

                                                             This was the result:

This was a great project. It got the kids outside (which gives me 5 minutes of alone time...), and of course the rocks were free! What could be better? Here is a word of warning though, I did find the left over rocks that we didn't paint in with all of Z.'s hair bows. I think she was trying to still dress them up. So, you might want to throw your "extra rocks" back outside :)